Paddling Our Way Through Whatever Life Throws At Us

I started She SUPs almost one year ago (our first birthday is coming up on the 25th August!) with the goal to ‘empower women through stand-up paddle boarding adventures’. The thinking behind this purpose statement was that I had learnt from personal experience just how powerful spending time on the water is for mental and physical health and wellbeing.

For several years, being on the water (in both kayak and SUP) had helped me process working in a toxic corporate environment, visa struggles, loneliness, being away from family and living with anxiety. Through kayak and SUP I gained strength, learnt new skills and found my identity. Being on the water helped me create a stronger connection to country, build friendships and connect with and learn from Mother Nature.

Conducting research, during the initial brainstorming stages of the She SUPs concept, I was shocked by the statistics around barriers to participation in adventure-sports for women, which were preventing so many women across Australia (and the world) from gaining these benefits. I knew that whatever I created, I HAD to smash down those barriers with a hammer and get more women on the water!!

Fast forward to six months after launching She SUPs and I was humbled, inspired and filled with gratitude as so many women shared their personal journeys with me including their reason for joining She SUPs and consequently how being in the community and paddle boarding was positively impacting their lives. 

"I feel a sense of freedom and accomplishment. When I'm on my board my mind clears. My overactive brain slows down and I am able to focus on the present." 

"I’m home or at one! I feel so peaceful and the water’s energy is magical."

I've come to learn that many of our community find She SUPs at moments of transition. Many are coming out of marriages or break-ups, many are transitioning into retirement, many are transitioning into motherhood (or through the many stages of motherhood!), many are transitioning to a new environment/town/country and therefore seeking to make friends or most recently - many are transitioning into 'the new post-COVID19 normal'.

Whatever the transition (or reason for joining She SUPs), I hope that paddleboarding with She SUPs provides every woman with a safe and supportive environment to gain confidence and feel empowered through a new activity, connect with nature and be truly present leaving all of their concerns and anxieties back on the shore, and most importantly connect with like-minded women, share conversations, build friendships and know that we, as a community, have their back and will be their biggest cheerleaders!!  


I wanted to share this blog post today to send a message to all of the women of She SUPs to say, whatever you are going through, - we hear you and we are so glad you’ve found us.

Many of our new members may not have paddled with She SUPs in person yet, but I wanted to acknowledge and thank you for sharing your reason for joining She SUPs when you signed up to the community Facebook page. I don't really get the opportunity to follow up with everyone to acknowledge their messages and thank them for sharing their story - so this blog post is my thank you letter to you! To those who have left messages explaining about juggling kids, marriages, divorces, break-ups, new jobs, old jobs, moving, being stuck - I hear you, and we are here for you.

And whether you’ve shared your story or not, please know that you’re not alone. I hope that She SUPs may become a safe space for you, to process whatever life throws at you, find connections with others, and have a heap of fun in the process!

See you on the water ladies!

Vikki x
Founder of She SUPs

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